- 1One important feature of team sports is that they can ______ people’s team spirit and sense of collective honor.(work hard to develop a particular skill, attitude, or quality)
- 2FusionStorageBlock无法是被配置RAID的磁盘,一定要将RAID信息删除后,Fusionstrage block才能识别到这些磁盘?
- 3依照法律规定冻结存款、汇款的,作出决定的行政机关应当在七日向当事人交付冻结决定书。( )
- 4I want to encourage you to make the most of this ______ experience. (not the same as anything or anyone else)
- 5我某公司进口某商品,下述报价中表述正确的是()。
- 61925年,以五卅运动为起点,掀起了全国范围的大革命风暴。( )