- 1刘老师在教学过程中十分注重对学生的学习进行反馈。学生做得好时,予以表扬;做得不好时,及时指出使其改正。刘老师的做法体现了桑代克学习理论中的( )
- 2牛羊为偶蹄动物,每肢正常的蹄有()。
- 3在 OpenStack的3个控制节点上均有的角色,为负载均衡模式,由haproxye提供负载均衡功能:只在2个控制节点上有的角色,为主备模式,由 Zookeeper提供主备仲裁功能()
- 4In business bribery, we may also include large payments made to the powerful __________ families or their close advisers in order to secure arms sales or major petroleum or construction contracts.[单选题]
- 5为实现EPC和5GC间互操作的业务连续性,以下哪个4/5G网元的融合不是必须的?
- 6Cats have a very sharp ____of hearing so that they can hear even the smallest sound.()