ZXCTN产品紧急故障处理中,以第一时间恢复业务为原则,如果有备用光缆或者路由,先将业务调到备用光缆或者路由上。During ZXCTN product emergency fault handling, make sure to follow the rule of "restore services in the first place". If there is a spare optical cable or route, switch the services to it.
- 1T-MPLS的1+1/1:1路径保护中,每条工作连接的的保护连接都是专有的。In T-MPLS 1+1/1:1 path protection, each working connection has a specific protection connection.
- 2U31网管可以支持告警前转,包括短信和邮件前转
- 3T31网管系统的缺省用户名是admin,密码是admin。User name and password of T31 EMS system are admin.
- 4查看IS-IS邻接关系,显示当前邻居状态是
- 5在下面关于VLAN的描述中,正确的是
- 6对于线性保护常见的倒换条件的优先级排序,下列正确的是: