NetNumen T31网管日志按记录的内容分为三类:操作日志、安全日志和系统日志。The NetNumen T31 network management logs are divided into three categories according to the recorded content: operation logs, security logs and system logs.
- 1ZXCTN产品紧急故障处理中,以第一时间恢复业务为原则,如果有备用光缆或者路由,先将业务调到备用光缆或者路由上。During ZXCTN product emergency fault handling, make sure to follow the rule of "restore services in the first place". If there is a spare optical cable or route, switch the services to it.
- 2ZXCTN产品中时钟配置界面上,BMC的优先级数值越低,说明该点的时间状态优先级越高。In clock configuration interface of ZXCTN products, the lower the BMC priority value is, the higher the time state priority on this NE will be.
- 3ZXCTN设备的UNI的端口配置为TRUNK模式的端口可以通过带VLAN TAG或者不带VLAN TAG的数据包。UNI ports configured to TRUNK mode on ZXCTN equipment can forward packets with or without VLAN TAG.
- 4ZXCTN9000设备同一个线卡或子卡槽位,如果线卡或子卡类型发生变化时,比如原来是GE线卡,现在插上10GE类型线卡后,在原来线卡或子卡上配置的告警屏蔽规则可能失效。
- 5PING TE隧道和PING 某个IP地址但是出接口在TE隧道上,两种报文格式是不同的。
- 6CWDM的单波速率最高支持10G