- 1P MPLS L3VPN支持哪些标签分配方式?()
- 2OSPF使用IP报文直接封装协议报文,使用的协议号是
- 3路由环回地址IP的掩码一般设置为
- 4E-TREE的访问规则是ROOT节点可以访问所有的LEAF节点,LEAF节点间可以相互访问也可以访问ROOT节点。Access rules of E-TREE are that ROOT node can access all LEAF nodes, and LEAF nodes can access each other and even ROOT node.
- 5Veritas异地双机中,对主服务器一台机器上offline某个资源,主备网管会发生切换。
- 6使用网管创建业务时,创建service时的id不能手工配置,是网管自己生成的。When creating services with network management, the ID is generated by the network management and it cannot be configured manually.