- 1查询9000设备线卡的后拼板EPLD版本号的命令是:show version;查询线卡的前拼板EPLD版本号的命令是:show subcard
- 2T3网管中未确认已消失的告警属于锁定告警,已确认已消失的告警在历史告警中。Disappeared alarms that are not acknowledged by T3 EMS are locking alarms and that are acknowledged are history alarms.
- 3两台主机分别连接同一台三层交换机的不同VLAN,要使这两台主机通信,下面说法正确的是
- 4PING命令使用ICMP的哪一种code类型
- 5若要对ZX-CTN6300/6200设备进行单机吞吐量测试,为了满足吞吐量指标,有时需要在设备对应的测试端口上配置比默认值更大的帧间隙 During the test of single-machine throughput of ZX-CTN6300/6200 equipment, in order to meet throughput index, it is necessary to configure larger frame gap on relevant test port of the equipment than by default.
- 6在联通IPRAN解决方案中,业务环回地址和管理环回地址相同