- 1T3网管中未确认已消失的告警属于锁定告警,已确认已消失的告警在历史告警中。Disappeared alarms that are not acknowledged by T3 EMS are locking alarms and that are acknowledged are history alarms.
- 2使用Time Acc仪表可以测试1PPS时间精度。
- 3联通IPRAN方案中接入层需要配置管理和业务的OSPF进程,这两个OSPF进程的LSDB隔离
- 4对于ZXCTN 6200设备,外部告警输入输出是通过主控板上的alarm-in,alarm-out等端口完成的
- 5MIP作为CFM功能的中继者,它不仅对LTM或者LTR帧的以太网头部做相应的改变,而且改变CFM公共头部及其以后的字段。
- 6T3网管服务器端版本跟客户端版本不一致,可能会导致网管功能异常。 The version of the T3 EMS server is inconsistent with the version of the T3 EMS server client, which might lead to the abnormality of the EMS functions.