- 1ZXCTN 6150设备与ZXCTN 9000-E设备开局使用的串口线是一样的
- 2FLASH是主控板上用来存放版本文件、配置文件、异常文件等的硬盘,读取速度比较慢,可以实时同步。FLASH is a hard disk on the main board used to store version file, configuration file and abnormal file. It is slow to read but can realize real-time sync.
- 3FLASH是主控板上用来存放版本文件、配置文件、异常文件等的硬盘,读取速度比较慢,可以实时同步。FLASH is a hard disk on the main board used to store version file, configuration file and abnormal file. It is slow to read but can realize real-time sync.
- 4SDH设备可以配置L3VPN业务
- 5NDS工作在(C)
- 6监控vlan用于站点之间监控传递监控信息的vlan,同一网元不同方向vlan ID不能重复,不相邻的路由间可重复适用