- 1TP隧道OAM产生Mismerge告警时,也可以触发隧道倒换。
- 2使用网管创建业务时,创建service时的id不能手工配置,是网管自己生成的。When creating services with network management, the ID is generated by the network management and it cannot be configured manually.
- 3U31业务视图可以通过链路颜色判断链路告警级别,例如红色代表链路出现了主要告警
- 4T3网管上报ZXCTN设备保护倒换事件告警时,由于保护组倒换仅出现一瞬间,而不是持续告警,因此告警出现后就转入到锁定告警里面。When T3 EMS reports protection switching event alarm of ZXCTN equipment, because protection group switching only happens instantaneously and the alarm does not last, alarm event state turns into lock alarm state.
- 5LDP隧道倒数第二跳弹出外层标签,RSVP-TE或MPLS-TP隧道倒数第二跳外层隧道标签为3,不弹出。
- 6电信IPRAN接入层采用的保护技术为