- 1若要对ZX-CTN6300/6200设备进行单机吞吐量测试,为了满足吞吐量指标,有时需要在设备对应的测试端口上配置比默认值更大的帧间隙 During the test of single-machine throughput of ZX-CTN6300/6200 equipment, in order to meet throughput index, it is necessary to configure larger frame gap on relevant test port of the equipment than by default.
- 2POS155可以划分为63个2M,2M不可以再细划为更小
- 3对于联通IPRAN,2G TDM业务的承载推荐使用DNI伪线保护
- 4对于T31中英文版本的切换,可以像E300那样通过修改环境变量以及系统设置,实现中英文的切换。To realize T31 Chinese/English versions switchover, you can modify environment variables and system setting as do in E300.
- 5对于6263v1.1设备,若采用以agent启动方式时,删除startrun文件,设备仍可完全启动。
- 6MPLS-TE HSB的倒换触发条件仅依赖于BFD检测LSP状态;