多选题 : 移动网络的时钟同步需求,以下正确的是
- 1当ZXCTN系列设备发生丢包时,会要求源端再重传一次。When packet loss occurs to ZXCTN series equipment, source end is required to retransmit the packet.
- 2电信IPRAN主要承载的业务为
- 3二层以太网交换机的基本功能不包括
- 4T31网管升级到U31网管前,要求先升级T31到V1.20P01 B04e或以上的版本
- 5ZXCTN9000配置MSP1+1保护时,保护隧道和其他业务的隧道,可以共用物理端口,不能共用VLAN
- 6在备用主控flash中没有系统版本的情况下进行主备主控的倒换会导致设备吊死。 If there is no system version in the flash of the slave main control board, the switching between the master main control board and the slave main control board will lead to the system failure.