- 1L2VPN业务接入方式为port+vlan,转发模式为剥离转发的情况下,上行动作是剥离VLANTAG,下行动作是还原AC侧的VLAN
- 2在网管数据库中,并不保存DCN的配置数据,即网管界面打开时,所显示的DCN配置数据都是从设备上查询所获取的;
- 3电信IPRAN解决方案中,3G和LTE承载业务不涉及到VPLS业务
- 4为了避免单节点失效,ZXCTN产品常常配置伪线双归保护。To avoid single node failure, ZXCTN products are usually configured with PW dual-homing protection.
- 5MCC-vlan组网所配置的路由信息是用户可见的,而DCN所用到的路由对用户为不可见。
- 6在备用主控flash中没有系统版本的情况下进行主备主控的倒换会导致设备吊死。 If there is no system version in the flash of the slave main control board, the switching between the master main control board and the slave main control board will lead to the system failure.