- 1对于设备,可以使用show ip interface brief查看设备上ip地址和vlan的对应关系。You can execute "show ip interface brief" to check corresponding relationship between IP and VLAN in the device.
- 2千兆电口强制千兆模式目前业内没有标准,不同厂商处理不同,对接结果往往具有不确定性,故现场最好采用自协商,防止现场出现对接失败的情况。So far, there is no standard for forced GE mode of GE electrical interface. Different manufacturers have different rules, so interconnection results are changeable. To prevent interconnection failure, it is recommended to adopt auto-negotiation on site.
- 3隧道是承载业务的管道,隧道down掉,不一定会导致承载在上面的所有业务中断
- 4二层以太网交换机的基本功能不包括
- 5关于61V5.0产品支持100G端口的型号有()
- 6对于 优先级较低的WLAN业务限速,一般配置CIR=0或比较小,另外配置PIR。