- 1T3网管服务器端版本跟客户端版本不一致,可能会导致网管功能异常。 The version of the T3 EMS server is inconsistent with the version of the T3 EMS server client, which might lead to the abnormality of the EMS functions.
- 2OSPF协议中的Hello报文的作用是()
- 3一条部署有HSB保护的TE隧道如果主路径中断,在主路径恢复前,TE隧道将始终工作在HSB的保护LSP上
- 4使用网管创建业务时,创建service时的id不能手工配置,是网管自己生成的。When creating services with network management, the ID is generated by the network management and it cannot be configured manually.
- 5网段中的DR一定是优先级数值最大的那台路由器
- 6B类地址的缺省掩码是