- 1查看IS-IS邻接关系,显示当前邻居状态是
- 2ZXCTN6100&6200&6300的光接口在无光输入时可以自动关闭端口发光。Optical interface of ZXCTN6100&6200&6300 automatically shuts down output when there is no optical input.
- 3只有在伪线状态为up的情况下,业务才能正常。如果伪线状态为down,首先要检查伪线所穿过的隧道是否up伪线的接入端口是否up;其次检查伪线的接入端口是否up
- 4ZXCTN产品紧急故障处理中,以第一时间恢复业务为原则,如果有备用光缆或者路由,先将业务调到备用光缆或者路由上。During ZXCTN product emergency fault handling, make sure to follow the rule of "restore services in the first place". If there is a spare optical cable or route, switch the services to it.
- 5对于线性保护常见的倒换条件的优先级排序,下列正确的是:
- 6对于ZXCTN 6200设备,外部告警输入输出是通过主控板上的alarm-in,alarm-out等端口完成的