下面if语句统计“成绩(score)优秀的男生以及不及格的男生”的人数,正确的语句为( )。
(A)if (gender=="男" and score<60 or score>=90): n+=1
(B)if (gender =="男" and score<60 and score>=90): n+=1
(C)if (gender =="男" and (score<60 or score>=90)): n+=1
(D)if (gender =="男" or score<60 or score>=90): n+=1
- 1- Im afraid I cant go to your party, I have an important exam tomorrow.- __________!
- 2以五四运动为开端,近代中国革命进入了一个崭新的阶段。下列说法错误的是()。
- 3The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief ________ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.
- 4在 Python 中“{}”表示的是( )
- 5皮下注射时,针头与皮肤应呈()
- 6我们在处理个人与集体、个人与他人的关系时,应当遵循的原则是主观为自己,客观为他人()。