Marketing the value of Data Management services should be done to营销数据管理服务的价值应该做到:()?
(A)Is project managers是项目经理
(B)Business groups商业团体
(C)The entire organization整个组织
(E)Information technology.信息技术。 答案解析:

- 1A document management system is an application used to track and store electronic documents and electronic images of paper documents which provides the following capabilities:文档管理系统用来追踪和存储电子文件,以及从纸质文件扫描而成的图片资料,它提供以下的功能::()?
- 2Components of logical data models include:逻辑数据模型包括哪些部分::()?
- 3“文档和内容管理”的目标是确保有效和高效地检索和使用:(单选题
- 4The disclosure of sensitive addresses may occur through:敏感地址的泄露可能通过以下方式发生::()?
- 5The information risk universe is informed by all of the following EXCEPT信息风险领域由以下各项提供信息,但以下各项除外:()?
- 6在DAMA-DMBOK提供的数据管理框架中涉及车轮图、环境因素六边形、知识领域语境关系图,请从下列选项中选择正确描述环境因素六边形的选项