Which of these statements best defines Data Security Management?下面的各项描述中,哪个较好地定义了数据安全管理?:()?
(A)The planning, implementation, and testing of security technologies, authentication mechanisms, and other controls to prevent access to information计划、实施和测试数据安全技术,认证机制以及其它访问控制技术
(B)The definition of controls, technical standards, frameworks, and audit trail capabilities to identify who has or has had access to information定义控制方法,技术标准,框架,和审计用户访问记录
(C)None of these全部都不对
(D)The planning, development, and execution of security policies and procedures to provide proper authentication, authorization, access, and auditing of data and information assets计划、部署和执行安全政策与程序,以对认证授权、访问控制、数据审计和信息资产提供支持
(E)The implementation and execution of checkpoints, checklists, controls, and technical mechanisms to govern the access to information in an enterprise实施和执行检查点、检查清单、控制清单、以及治理企业信息访问的技术措施清单 答案解析: 见 P325

- 1哪个DMBoK知识领域管理不善最有可能导致大量退回邮件?(单选题)
- 2What is the difference between an Industry and a Consensus Meta-Data Standard?行业元数据与共识元数据标准的差别在哪?:()?
- 3An effective Data Governance communication program should include the following:有效的数据治理沟通计划应包括以下内容::()?
- 4Slice, Dice, Roll-up and Pivot are terms used in what kind of data processing?切片,切块,上卷,透视是哪个数据处理类型的述语:()?
- 5The information value chain matrix shows data-to-value for all of the following EXCEPT信息价值链矩阵显示了以下所有方面的数据与价值之比,除了:()?
- 6An effective Data Governance communication program should include the following:有效的数据治理沟通计划应包括以下内容::()?