What Organization Structure should set the overall direction for Data Governance?哪个组织负责制定数据治理的方向?:()?
(A)Data Quality Board数据质量委员会
(B)Data Governance Council数据治理委会员(DGC)
(D)Data Governance Office数据治理办公室
(E)IT Leadership TeamIT领导团队 答案解析: 该题考的是数据治理委员会(DGC)的定义,一般CDO或者是Steering Committee会制定战略,DGC负责管理与制定政策,DGO负责执行,请 ~ P118
- 1An annual enterprise data architecture report is comprised of a summary of enterprise data model updates, project compliance and variances, and a measurement of:年度企业数据体系结构报告包括企业数据模型更新、项目合规性和差异的摘要,以及对以下方面的度量::()?
- 2请从下列选项中选择关于数据的不正确定义
- 3The assumption that the data in a data warehouse is accurate at a specific point in time is:______假设数据仓库中的数据在特定时间点是准确的:__:()?
- 4Data governance and master data management make the definition of ______ one of the top priorities.数据治理和主数据管理使__的定义成为重中之重。:()?
- 5数据库性能取决以两个独立方面,分别是:
- 6When a project specification is reviewed by the enterprise data architect, which of the following is not a consideration?当企业数据架构师审查项目规范时,以下哪一项不需要考虑?:()?