Adoption of a Data Governance program is most likely to succeed:采用数据治理计划最有可能取得成功::()?
(A)When the entire enterprise is partaking at once当整个企业同时参与时
(B)When the CDO is a charismatic leader当CDO是一个有魅力的领导者时
(C)When dictated by senior executives当由高级管理人员支配时
(D)In 1 or 2 months with a large consulting team在1或2个月内与大型咨询团队合作
(E)With an incremental rollout strategy采用增量推出策略 答案解析: ~ P127

- 1将数据安全与文档和内容管理知识领域相结合,属于:(单选题)
- 2The process of identifying how different records may relate to a single entity is called:识别不同记录如何与单个实体相关的过程称为::()?
- 3Data management is the development, execution and supervision of plans policies, programs and practices that deliver control protect and enhance:数据管理是对计划、政策、方案和实践的制定、执行和监督,这些计划、政策、方案和实践提供控制、保护和增强::()?
- 4将纯文本翻译成复杂代码以隐藏特权信息的过程是:
- 5在DAMA-DMBOK提供的数据管理框架中涉及车轮图、环境因素六边形、知识领域语境关系图,请从下列选项中选择正确的语境关系图选项
- 6在不更改基础数据的情况下,在最终用户系统中改变数据的外观,属于哪种脱敏方法?(单选题