Which of the following high-pressured high-visibility items most often impact Data Governance?以下哪些高压力、高可见性的项目最经常影响数据治理?:()?
(A)Ability to track goals quantitatively定量跟踪目标的能力
(B)Data quality, security and compliance issues数据质量、安全性和合规性问题
(C)Reducing complexity within the organization降低组织内的复杂性
(D)Standardization and consolidation标准化和巩固
- 1Bill Inmon 的数据仓库方法的一个主要特点是:(单选题)
- 2Slice, Dice, Roll-up and Pivot are terms used in what kind of data processing?切片,切块,上卷,透视是哪个数据处理类型的述语:()?
- 3Dimension tables维度表::()?
- 4Which of the following is NOT a primary Master Data Management area of focus?以下哪一项不是主数据管理的重点关注领域?:()?
- 5Reference data is _______参考数据是_____:()?
- 6元数据通常分为3种类型,它们是:(单选题)