A data model that consists of a single fact table linked to important concepts of the business is a:由链接到重要业务概念的单个事实表组成的数据模型是:()?
(A)Relational Model关系模型
(B)Machine Learning Model机器学习模型
(C)Process Model过程模型
(D)Dimensional Model维度模型
(E)Transition State Model过渡态模型 答案解析:
- 1A document management system is an application used to track and store electronic documents and electronic images of paper documents which provides the following capabilities:文档管理系统用来追踪和存储电子文件,以及从纸质文件扫描而成的图片资料,它提供以下的功能::()?
- 2We would expect to consult the Metadata Library when:我们希望访问元数据存储库,当我们要::()?
- 3数据库性能取决以两个独立方面,分别是:
- 4DMBOK的知识领域活动分为四类,他们是
- 5What is the difference between an Industry and a Consensus Meta-Data Standard?行业元数据与共识元数据标准的差别在哪?:()?
- 6显示出生日期的报告包含可能但不正确的值。什么是可能的解释?(单选题)