A sandbox is a type of database environment used for:沙箱是一种数据库环境,用于::()?
(A)User acceptance testing用户验收测试
(B)Proofs of concept and to test hypothesesPOC和假设验证
(C)Low budget projects低预算项目
(D)Production backups生产备份
(E)Remote users远程用户 答案解析: 沙盒即独立的环境,不受外界干扰,如DOCKER和虚拟机。

- 1A comparatively new architectural approach is where volatile data is provisioned in a data warehouse structure to provide transactional systems with a combination of historical and near real time data to meet customer needs.This is a definition of:这是一个相对地新架构方法,动态数据能力已经被预先定义好在数据仓库架构中,赋能给事务型的系统同时使用历史与近实时数据组合分析的能力以符合客户的需求。这个定义是指::()?
- 2Kimball 的多维数据仓库架构包含哪几个区域?(单选题)
- 3Every enterprise is subject to many governmental and industry regulations, many of which regulate how data and information is used and managed.Part of the Data Governance Function is to:每一个企业都接受政府及行业的监管,其中大部分监控着信息与数据是使用和管理。关于数据治理的部分是::()?
- 4Which one of the following is typically Not part of the data Governance Council?以下哪一项通常不是数据治理委员会的成员?:()?
- 5Adoption of a Data Governance program is most likely to succeed:采用数据治理计划最有可能取得成功::()?
- 6A machine, learning algorithm that incorrectly classifies new data values, may have a problem with population imbalances in:机器学习算法对新数据值进行错误分类,由于_______,可能存在模型偏移的问题::()?