How do data management professionals maintain commitment of key stakeholders to the data management initiative?数据管理专家如何维护关键利益相关者在数据管理举措上的承诺?:()?
(A)Continuous communication education promotion of the importance and value of data and information assets持续沟通教育和推广:信息与数据资产的价值及重要性
(B)Rely on the stakeholder group to be self-sustaining相信利益相关者小组可以自我驱动
(C)Find and deliver benefits to the stakeholders early in the initiative主动尽早找寻并传递价值给利益相关者
(D)It is not necessary, as the stakeholders signed up at the beginning of the program这是不必须的,随着利益相关者在项目早期的参与
(E)Weekly email reports showing metrics on data management progress/ lack thereof每周邮件报告关于数据管理衡量指标的进展或延误 答案解析: 这题不能直接在书上面找到答案,其实数据这块内容比较技术,很多业务部门其实很难理解为什么要搞治理,为什么要做这么多事,数不准了就天天投诉好了(其实很多CEO、CIO也没概念),因为在业务部门的心目就只有一个理念:我想即时看到某某指标,至于后面的事,他们是不会管的。所以,必须要数据治理专家不停地在他们耳边吹风,教育,潜移默化改变他们。同时在吹风的过程中,还要考虑到组织文化及流程的等的个性化问题(CDMA有一题就是考这个),才能建立较好的数据治理框架。
- 1An umbrella term for any classification or controlled vocabulary is:一个关于分类与受控词汇的概括性述语是::()?
- 2Following the rollout of a data issue process there have been no issues recorded in the first month.The reason for this might be:在推出数据问题流程后,第一个月没有记录任何问题。其原因可能是::()?
- 3Which of the following activities is NOT a way that enterprise data architecture influences the scope boundaries of projects?以下哪项活动不是企业数据架构影响项目范围边界的方式?:()?
- 4Database performance depends upon two independent facets.These are数据库性能取决于两个独立的方面。这些是:()?
- 5The necessity of representing organizational data at different levels of abstraction is:在不同抽象级别表示组织数据的必要性是::()?
- 6请从下列选项中选择一种快速提供多维分析查询的方法(单选题)