Non value-added information is often not removed because没有附加值信息通常不会被删除,是因为::()?
(A)The policies are unclear of what is defined as non-value-added, storage is cheap so there is no cost driver, and it takes more effort to dispose than to keep.对于什么是无附加值的数据在制度上没有清晰地进行定义,又因为存储足够地便宜不存在成本考虑因素,因此保留这些数据比处理这些数据更容易
(B)It should not be removed.All data is value-added所有数据都是有价值的,所以不应该被删除
(C)Legislation is unclear on what should be kept法规问题不清晰,所以要保留
(D)We might need the information at a later stage以后还可能会再用到
(E)Data is an asset.It is likely to be recognized as valuable in the future.数据是资产,未来可能会被认为是有价值的 答案解析: 说穿了还是硬盘便宜,说不定哪天就用到了,所以先留着。如果硬盘非常贵,我想企业还是为节省存储的投入,而扔掉一些没用的数据。

- 1The ability of an organisation to respond to changes in product configuration is easier due to generalisation in the:组织响应产品配置变化的能力更容易,因为:()?
- 2The data architect needs to propagate data across the landscape in real time.This requires the leveraging of the following DMBoK knowledge areas:数据架构师需要在整个环境中实时传播数据。这需要利用以下DMBOK知识领域::()?
- 3The best way to validate that a database backup is working, is to:验证数据库备份是否正常工作的最佳方法是::()?
- 4Common understanding of the core business concepts and terminology is the objective of which deliverable?对核心业务概念和术语的共同理解是哪个交付件的目标?:()?
- 5According to the ISO/IEC 42010:2007 Software and Systems Engineering-Architecture Description, which of the following describes the definition of architecture:根据ISO/IEC 42010:2007软件和系统工程-体系结构描述,以下哪一项描述了体系结构的定义::()?
- 6A report displaying birth date contains possible but incorrect values.What is a possible explanation?显示出生日期的报表包含可能但不正确的值。可能的解释是什么?:()?