Which of these statements are true of a Metadata repository?下面哪项是对元数据存储库的描述::()?
(A)Data models are components of a Metadata repository.数据模型是元数据存储库的一部分
(B)It is always decentralised.一般是非集中式的的
(C)None of the these都不正确
(D)It is always centralised.一般是集中式的
(E)It is always a hybrid architecture.永远是一个混合的架构 答案解析: 在书中P621,描述了元数据存储库架构有四种,集中式的,非集中式的(分式布式),混合的,双向的,而这些架构都是按需选择的,所以“It is always a hybrid architecture.”、“It is always decentralised.”、“It is always centralised.”这三个都不正确。 至于“Data models are components of a Metadata repository.”,数据模型的确是元数据存储库的内容之一,大家也不要去追究这个选项讲得不完整,DAMA的题都一样,但至少比其它几个选项要好,至少没错。

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- 2Top reasons cited for working around existing data groups in organizations include all of the following _______ EXCEPT绕过组织中现有数据组的主要原因包括以下所有__项,但不包括:()?
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