Slice, Dice, Roll-up and Pivot are terms used in what kind of data processing?切片,切块,上卷,透视是哪个数据处理类型的述语:()?
(A)ODS贴源层(Operational Data Store)
(B)OLTP事务型数据处理(On-Line Transaction Processing)
(C)OLAP分析型数据处理(On-Line Analytic Processing)
(E)EDI电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange) 答案解析: 该题考的是OLAP的分析方式,,我把内容截图如下:一般来说,OLTP是应用系统,如OMS、ERPOLAP用于数仓和大数据分析
- 1Big data management requires:大数据管理需要::()?
- 2在DAMA-DMBOK提供的数据管理框架中涉及车轮图、环境因素六边形、知识领域语境关系图,请从下列选项中选择正确描述环境因素六边形的选项
- 3Data Stewards are most likely to be responsible for:数据管理员最有可能负责::()?
- 4Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Shewhart / Deming Cycle that drives the data quality improvement lifecycle:下面哪一个不是用来提升数据质量的戴明环中的一部分?:()?
- 5A data warehouse deployment with multiple ETL, storage and querying tools often suffers due to the lack of:具有多个ETL存储和查询工具的数据仓库部署通常由于缺少:()?
- 6Which of the following is not a good example of BI?下面哪一个选项不是用来描述BI的好例子?:()?