Plant Equipment is an example of工厂设备就是 _______ 的一个例子:()?
(A)Master Data主数据
(B)Reference Data参考数据
(C)Inverted Data反转数据
(D)None of these这些都没有
(E)Transaction Data交易数据 答案解析: ,主数据是业务实体,Plant equipment就是书上所示到的“thing“

- 1A report displaying birth date contains possible but incorrect values.What is a possible explanation?显示出生日期的报表包含可能但不正确的值。可能的解释是什么?:()?
- 2Which of the following high-pressured high-visibility items most often impact Data Governance?以下哪些高压力、高可见性的项目最经常影响数据治理?:()?
- 3An organizations social media policy, if implemented.MUST map to its组织的社交媒体政策(如已实施)。必须映射到其:()?
- 4请从下列选项中选择一种快速提供多维分析查询的方法(单选题)
- 5The failure to gain acceptance of a business glossary may be due to ineffective:业务术语表不能被接受可能是由于以下原因::()?
- 6Which of the following is NOT a design artifact?以下哪一项不是设计神器?:()?