Plant Equipment is an example of工厂设备就是 _______ 的一个例子:()?
(A)Master Data主数据
(B)Reference Data参考数据
(C)Inverted Data反转数据
(D)None of these这些都没有
(E)Transaction Data交易数据 答案解析: ,主数据是业务实体,Plant equipment就是书上所示到的“thing“
- 1在定义任何新组织或尝试改进现有组织之前,了解当前组织的哪些方面内容非常重要?
- 2企业模型包括:
- 3Data that is required across business processes areas and systems is called:跨业务过程、领域和系统所需的数据称为::()?
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- 5Following the rollout of a data issue process there have been no issues recorded in the first month.The reason for this might be:在推出数据问题流程后,第一个月没有记录任何问题。其原因可能是::()?
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