According to the ISO/IEC 42010:2007 Software and Systems Engineering-Architecture Description, which of the following describes the definition of architecture:根据ISO/IEC 42010:2007软件和系统工程-体系结构描述,以下哪一项描述了体系结构的定义::()?
(A)The fundamental collection of all artefacts that describes a system and how they work together描述一个系统以及它们如何协同工作的所有人工制品的基本集合
(B)The fundamental organization of a system, and the principles governing its design an d evolution系统的基本组织,以及管理其设计和发展的原则。
(C)The fundamental rules for ensuring the information captured in the architected solution is enforcing data quality and completeness确保架构解决方案中捕获的信息的基本规则是强制执行数据质量和完整性。
(D)The fundamental view of how the system should be built and how it will be maintained关于系统应该如何建立以及如何维护的基本观点
(E)The fundamental responsibility for delivering the best systems at the lowest cost以最低成本提供最佳系统的基本责任 答案解析: ~ P154

- 1A search engine database is populated by a web crawler or spider software that usually processes as:搜索引擎数据库,通常由网络爬虫或蜘蛛软件进程填充,这是::()?
- 2A complexity in documenting data lineage is:记录数据血缘的复杂性在于:()?
- 3Which of the following is NOT an approach to data valuation?以下哪一项不是数据估值的方法?:()?
- 4The goals of data storage and operations are:数据存储和操作的目标是::()?
- 5从源头系统生成数据到目标系统可用该数据的时间差称为?
- 6What is Manual Directed Data Quality Correction?什么是人工数据质量检查修正:()?