Data Stewards are most likely to be responsible for:数据管理员最有可能负责::()?
(A)Data Modelling and Data Security数据建模和数据安全
(B)Content and Document Management内容和文档管理
(C)Data Governance and Data Quality数据治理和数据质量
(D)Data Integration and Interoperability数据集成和互操作性
(E)Data Storage and Operations数据存储和操作 答案解析:

- 1Which of these is NOT a typical activity in Data Quality Management?下面哪一个不是典型的数据质理管理活动?:()?
- 2The DMBok Environmental Factors hexagon shows the relationship between:DMBOK“环境因素六边形图”显示了它们之间的关系::()?
- 3Data that is used infrequently or not at all may be moved to an alternative data store.This is called:不经常使用或根本不使用的数据可被移动到备份数据存储器。这被称为:()?
- 4One of a business data stewards key responsibilities is to:业务数据管理员的主要职责之一是::()?
- 5During the implementation of a data warehouse, a roadmap is used to:在数据仓库的实现过程中,使用路线图来:()?
- 6A data owner has responsibility and authority for数据所有者有责任和权力:()?