Data governance differs from it governance in that数据治理与IT治理的区别在于:()?
(A)Serious problems can occur in the project cycle, and after operationalized versus up front features analysis and design in technology projects在项目周期中可能发生严重的问题,以及在技术项目中的操作性特征分析和设计与前期特征分析和设计之后
(B)You buy and deploy solutions at increasing levels of specification through the project您可以在整个项目中购买和部署不断提高规格级别的解决方案
(C)Serious problems can be discovered at any level of the organization versus top-down identification of risks and issues in technology与自上而下地识别技术中的风险和问题相比,可以在组织的任何级别发现严重问题
(D)No single group has control of data as it flows throughout the organization versus single owner assignment of technology当数据在整个组织中流动时,没有任何一个组可以控制数据,而技术的所有者只能分配数据

- 1The best way to validate that a database backup is working, is to:验证数据库备份是否正常工作的最佳方法是::()?
- 2Accountability in Data Governance programs数据治理计划中的问责制:()?
- 3A top-down approach to database design is自上而下的数据库设计方法是:()?
- 4Which of the following is not a goal of data management?以下哪一项不是数据管理的目标?:()?
- 5The best way to validate that a database backup is working, is to:验证数据库备份是否正常工作的最佳方法是::()?
- 6All of the following techniques can be used to facilitate automated retrieval of structured and unstructured data EXCEPT以下所有技术都可用于促进结构化和非结构化数据的自动检索,除了:()?