The primary operational responsibility for DBAs that has the most data Governance overlap is数据治理重叠最多的DBA的主要操作职责是:()?
(B)Implementing appropriate backup and recovery mechanism实施适当的备份和恢复机制
(C)Scheduling run stats and reorganizations.计划运行统计和重组。
(D)Ensuring performance and reliability of databases确保数据库的性能和可靠性
(E)Creating mechanisms for clustering of data创建数据聚类机制

- 1请从下列针对概念模型的描述中,选择描述不正确的选项(单选题)
- 2A database that is growing at 100% per annum compound will be:年复合增长率为100%的数据库将::()?
- 3According to the DMBoK, the system that contains the best version of the Master Data is the根据DMBOK,包含主数据最佳版本的系统是:()?
- 4Which of the following is NOT usually a feature of data quality improvement tools?下面哪一个不是常见的数据质量提升工具?:()?
- 5The necessity of representing organizational data at different levels of abstraction is:在不同抽象级别表示组织数据的必要性是::()?
- 6According to the ISO/IEC 42010:2007 Software and Systems Engineering-Architecture Description, which of the following describes the definition of architecture:根据ISO/IEC 42010:2007软件和系统工程-体系结构描述,以下哪一项描述了体系结构的定义::()?