- 1管理数据集市中错误风险的设计方法是:(单选题)
- 2首字母缩略词ETL最常代表:(单选题)
- 3Classifying data helps to对数据进行分类有助于:()?
- 4You are engaged in a consulting position to advice a company on how best to understand how its data is used in the company by its applications as a best approach, you would recommend如果您从事咨询工作,就如何最好地了解其应用程序如何在公司中使用其数据向公司提供建议,您会推荐最佳方法:()?
- 5The Control objectives for Information and related Technology(CobiT)addresses信息及相关技术控制目标(COBIT)涉及:()?
- 6The objectives of a good issue resolution process include all of the following EXCEPT良好的问题解决流程的目标包括以下所有内容,但不包括:()?