- 1数据治理活动是确保数据治理落地实施的重要举措,数据治理活动包括现状评估及规划、战略制定、落地实施、嵌入及持续运营等四个方面内容,请从下列选项中选择关于嵌入及持续运营描述不正确的选项
- 2Every enterprise is subject to many governmental and industry regulations, many of which regulate how data and information is used and managed.Part of the Data Governance Function is to:每一个企业都接受政府及行业的监管,其中大部分监控着信息与数据是使用和管理。关于数据治理的部分是::()?
- 3What type of Meta-Data provides developers and administrators with knowledge and information about systems?哪一种元数据给开发者与管理员提供系统信息的知识库?:()?
- 4请从下列对标识符(Key)的描述中选择不正确的选项
- 5The acronym PDCA stands for what quality improvement process?PDCA的缩写代表什么质量改进过程?:()?
- 6Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Shewhart / Deming Cycle that drives the data quality improvement lifecycle:下面哪一个不是用来提升数据质量的戴明环中的一部分?:()?