- 1A sandbox is a type of database environment used for:沙箱是一种数据库环境,用于::()?
- 2The library of information about our data (our metadata) is built so that:当我们的数据(元数据)信息库已建立,我们可以::()?
- 3Master data is data about:主数据是关于以下内容的数据::()?
- 4What are relationship labels?关系标签的含义是什么?:()?
- 5Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Shewhart / Deming Cycle that drives the data quality improvement lifecycle:下面哪一个不是用来提升数据质量的戴明环中的一部分?:()?
- 6A machine, learning algorithm that incorrectly classifies new data values, may have a problem with population imbalances in:机器学习算法对新数据值进行错误分类,由于_______,可能存在模型偏移的问题::()?