- 1A data warehouse deployment with multiple ETL, storage and querying tools often suffers due to the lack of:具有多个ETL存储和查询工具的数据仓库部署通常由于缺少:()?
- 2The number of artefacts that must be searched in the Metadata repository for all Business change projects are必须在元数据存储库中为所有业务变更项目搜索的制品数量为:()?
- 3Critical to the incremental development of the data warehouse is数据仓库增量开发能力的关键点是::()?
- 4Typical types of assessments used to describe an organisations state of information management capability, do not include:用于描述组织信息管理能力状态的典型评估类型不包括::()?
- 5Every enterprise is subject to many governmental and industry regulations, many of which regulate how data and information is used and managed.Part of the Data Governance Function is to:每一个企业都接受政府及行业的监管,其中大部分监控着信息与数据是使用和管理。关于数据治理的部分是::()?
- 6A hierarchical taxonomy in content management is similar to what type of relationship?内容管理中的分层分类类似于什么类型的关系?:()?