- 1Systems re-engineering includes each of the following EXCEPT系统再设计包括以下各项,但不包括:()?
- 2According to the ISO/IEC 42010:2007 Software and Systems Engineering-Architecture Description, which of the following describes the definition of architecture:根据ISO/IEC 42010:2007软件和系统工程-体系结构描述,以下哪一项描述了体系结构的定义::()?
- 3Bill Inmon 的数据仓库方法的主要特点是?(单选题)
- 4Initiatives focused on building a single view of customer’ mainly rely on which DMBOK knowledge area?侧重于构建“单一客户视图”的计划主要依赖于哪个DMBOK知识领域?:()?
- 5The highest level of these data model types is the在下面数据建模类型中,最顶层的是::()?
- 6Which of the following statements about a data warehouse is NOT true?下列关于数据仓库的陈述中哪一项是不正确的?:()?