- 1Periodic archiving of transaction data from a production CRM system is critical for:定期归档生产CRM系统中的事务数据对于以下方面至关重要::()?
- 2One place data governance has evolved from is the ______ developed for cross-organizational data warehouse projects for technical as well as business disputes数据治理的一个发展方向是为跨组织的数据仓库项目开发的__,用于解决技术和业务争议。:()?
- 3许多数据文件已加载到数据湖中时没有字典元数据导致:(单选题)
- 4Master data differs from Reference data in the following way:主数据与参考数据不一样的地方有::()?
- 5通过整合对交易进行错误分类的原因往往是不一致:(单选题)
- 6Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Shewhart / Deming Cycle that drives the data quality improvement lifecycle:下面哪一个不是用来提升数据质量的戴明环中的一部分?:()?