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一个项目刚刚完成启动阶段,项目经理正在开始该项目的需求收集过程。相关方都位于同一地点,但来自优先级有冲突的不同部门。之前的项目经理经常被要求在执行阶段包含新的范围,导致项目预算的计划外增加并延长商定的进度计划。在满足所有相关方需求的同时,项目经理应该如何及时收集需求?A project manager is beginning the requirements gathering process lot a project that has just completed the initiation phase.Project stakeholders are all in the same location but come from different departments with conflicting priorities.Previous project managers have often been required to include new scope during the execution phase, causing unplanned increase to the project budget and delaying the upon schedule, what should the project manager do to gather the requirements in a timely manner while meeting the needs of all stakeholders?()

(A):与所有相关方一起召开需求收集会议,以记录初始范围,然后将其分解为可完成的小部分可管理工作 Conduct a requirements gathering session with all stakeholders to document the initial scope and then break it into smaller pieces of manageable work that can be completed

(B):与所有项目相关方一起召开需求收集会议,以记录全部需求,然后关闭项目工作说明书 (SOW)并拒绝任何新需求 Conduct a requirements gathering session with all stakeholders to document full requirements, then close the statement of work (SOW) and reject any new requirements

(C):分别与最重要的相关方开会进行需求收集,然后仅在工作说明书中更新这些相关方的新需求 Individually Meet with the most important stakeholders for requirements gathering , then update the SOW with new requirements only from these stakeholders

(D):单独与所有相关方开会以记录范围,然后通过变更请求过程处理任何其他高优先级需求 individually meet with all stakeholders to document the scope, and then handle any additional high-priority requirements through the change request process


