A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someonebuys or moves into a new apartment or house. The person who bought the house ormoved is the one who throws the party, The party is a chance for friends andfamily to congratulate the person on the new home._ And it is a good time to fill the new spacewith love and hopefully presents.
Some people register a list of things theywant or need for their new home at a local store or stores. Some common thingspeople will put on a gift registry include kitchen tools like knives and thingslike curtains. Even if there isn't a registry, a good housewarming gift issomething to decorate the new house with, like a piece of art or a plant.
This is often appreciated since at ahousewarming there isn't a lot of food served. There are usually no plannedactivities like games at a housewarming party. The host or hostess of the partywill, however, probably give all the guests a tour of their new home.Sometimes, because a housewarming party happens shortly after a person moves intotheir new home, people may be asked to help unpack boxes.
Housewarming parties get their name from the fact that a longtime ago people would actually bring firewood to a new home as a gift. Now most homes have central heating and don'tuse fires to keep warm.
(A)This isn't usual though. (B)It is traditional to bring a gift to a housewarmingparty (C)You can also bring food or drinks to share with theother guests. (D)If you're lucky enough to receive gifts, keep them ina safe place (E)It also gives people a chance to see what the new homelooks like (F)The best housewarming parties encourage old friends toget together. This was so that the person could keep their home warmfor the winter
第1小题正确答案 E 第2小题正确答案 B 第3小题正确答案 C 第4小题正确答案 A 第5小题正确答案 G